Historic Hilton Village, founded July 7, 1918, was built as housing for shipbuilders during World War I. This neighborhood began as the first Federal war housing project and resulted in 500 new homes. After the war ended, the houses were sold to individual private owners, and the community flourishes today.
THEN: 1918
The Mellon-Stuart Company, based out of Pittsburgh, PA, was contracted to build Hilton Village. The overall and departmental budgets are detailed in the sign to the right. The sign also encourages workers to "dig deep" and reminds them, "don't slack."
Pro-war slogans and posters can be seen on the exterior of the building. The notice posted on the building states "These houses will be sold to shipyard workers on the basis of what they actually cost. Please help to keep down the cost of this town for men who are workers like yourself." It is signed by H.L. Ferguson.
Hilton Village was built after clearing 100 acres of wooded land. The remaining forestry can be seen beyond the community. (Credit Libraries)
Newport News Public Libraries
This photo shows a Hilton Village house after a snowfall.
Newport News Public Library
The Hilton Village neighborhood has lampposts, finished sidewalks, curbs, and unpaved roads.
Newport News Public Library
NOW: 2018
Hilton Village is now home to families, shops, restaurants, bakeries, and other businesses. There are plenty of leisure activities as well. You can walk along the storefronts, rest on benches, or visit the various stores and restaurants. The furniture and clothing shops in Hilton Village often have new items each week.
You can enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the restaurants in Hilton Village.
The quiet neighborhoods are perfect for taking a stroll along the sidewalks and enjoying the beautiful gardens, flowering trees, and various architecture.
Enjoy a relaxing bike ride through the neighborhoods. There is even a pier over the James River, behind Hilton Elementary School, where you can fish or walk along the beach.
Join us on July 7 for the Hilton Village Centennial Grand Celebration with music, architectural tours, food trucks, dancing, carnival games, antique vehicles, and more!
Watch the video below to get a preview of the beautiful Hilton Village for yourself!